What We Do
Giving wild animals a second change
Every day we are confronted with traumatized animals, most often because of direct human interference. Blind, shot at, captured in tiny cages - we've seen it all. Very often our work includes concrete and swift action, based on very recent alerts, involving trucks, planes and even helicopters. When these harsh realities knock on our front door, we gear up to immediate action and will not relent until that animal is safe at the sanctuary.

Saving pollinators
Populations of native bees in Bolivia are in fast decline and are under threat due to human actions. The fragile world of this magnificent creatures has drastically changed, and they are fading from our forests. Our project is bringing them back, and is inspiring communities to be part of a beautiful fabric of healing that is slowly emerging.

rewilding and protecting
Working for a finer future, Senda Verde is carrying out rewilding and protection initiative in the Amazon Rainforest, in a strategic biodiversity corridor, close to the Madidi National Park, and spreading actions and community-led approaches towards bringing back wildlife. We are visionary and we want to see rewilding flourishing across Bolivia, reconnecting us with the natural world, sustaining communities and tackling the climate emergency and extinction crisis. Rewilding is the most powerful action we can take to help the planet heal.

educating and inspiring
Wildlife is an integral part of our world. Senda Verde is building and supporting a sense of community ownership and stewardship, informing people of all ages about the wonders and challenges of Earth’s biodiversity, and inspiring them to value nature. Through visits to our sanctuary, outreach activities, and education programs for students, we inform about what we do as a wildlife sanctuary, how they can get involved, and helpful clues on how to peacefully coexist with our wildlife friends.